On Board Computer Unit
OBC unit is based on Intel processor. The System consists of CPU card, I/O card, relay card, power supply card and Mother Board. Electronic Sub System PCB can also appear here. The system accepts analog and discrete inputs. Processed analog outputs and discrete outputs are available for further usage. Memory is available onboard for storage.
Actuating Amplifier
Actuating Amplifier is a unit based on a PWM controller and analog circuits which are connected to actuating motors to control the movement of the fins of Torpedo.
PWM controller, fixed gain analog circuits, Motor Current of 4A, control 4 motors. Power and signal are isolated. The unit can also be designed in miniature form to overcome space constraints and reduction in weight. This can be mounted on each motor.
PowerPC Based ECS cards
Power PC Embedded Computer System (PPC-ECS) is a single board computer based on Power PC 440EP CPU.PPC440EP is the CPU for interfacing and processing. The system accepts analog and discrete inputs. Processed analog outputs and discrete outputs are available for further usage. 1553B, UART, USB, Ethernet, and CAN interface can be used for external communication. The Card is available in three different form factors and I/O combinations.
On Board Memory Module
On Board Memory Module receives data from DSP-based cards independently and stores data in separate flash banks. The data is uploaded from flash to PC.
The card consists of Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA with 64GByte of memory for storage. High speed USB is used to interface to PC and the card can record and upload the data from different external cards.
Digital Beam Former
The card consists of high-end FPGAs for processing the algorithms such as beam formation, filters, etc. It also consists of 32 channel analog data acquisition section.
The card consists of two Xilinx – 7 series FPGAs (Kintex). 32 channels Analog inputs are acquired with the help of ADCs and have LVDS bus for high-speed data interface. USB is used to interface to the PC. Memory is provided to store lookup tables and other parameters.
PowerPC Based Instrumentation System
The instrumentation system is based on PowerPC processor. The unit is single card system. The system consists of PPC440EP as the processor and all the analog inputs, discrete I/O’s are processed. The board consists of accelerometers and Gyro for recording the direction of the unit. 1553B, UART, USB interfaces are used for external communication. RTC NVRAM is available to get the time stamp and memory is provided for recording of data.
OBC Card for ALWT
PowerPC Embedded Computer System (PPC-ECS) Type-1 is single board computer based on Power PC 440EP CPU. The board consists of Flash Memory, DDR SDRAM, NVRAM, serial communication channels, MIL-1553B interface, four channel DAC, eight channel ADC, CAN bus interface and discrete I/O.
Muzzle Velocity
Muzzle velocity Measurement Equipment is designed to test the Muzzle Velocity of the torpedo. This system is supplied along with Graphical User Interface (GUI) software. The GUI allows the user to check the independent functionality of the Muzzle Velocity Measurement Equipment. The interface with the Muzzle Velocity Measurement Equipment UUT is done through RS422 serial channel, which interfaces with the GUI.
Instrumentation and Data Acquisition System (IDAS) is a Real time embedded system in EHWT. IDAS acquires and stores weapon parameters. Further the system carries out run execution logic, monitors the health of the weapon and initiates recovery function. The system acquires weapon dynamic and propulsion parameters like course, roll, pitch, and their derivatives, depth, battery voltage, motor current, motor speed etc. Also it acquires target parameters like range, bearing, course and speed etc. The IDAS system has interfaces with several systems of torpedo.
Integrated Instrumentation and recording system (IIRS) is an Instrumentation, Data acquisition and Recording system. It acquires and stores weapon parameters from different subsystems of the torpedo and performs the recording and recovery functions. Further the system carries out run execution logic and monitors the health of the vehicle. The system acquires vehicle dynamic and propulsion parameters like depth, battery voltage, motor current, voltage, vehicle rpm etc., target parameters like range, bearing, echo and weapon control parameters like course, roll, pitch and their derivatives. The acquired data is stored in non-volatile memory for further analysis.